
code complete 2 sucks

I've been on a bit of a non-fiction book bender recently.

After reading a number of the books on Coding Horror's Recommended Reading for Developers including:
The Mythical Man Month
The Pragmatic Programmer
as well as:
Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering
As well is the often referenced Godel Escher Bach,
All of which I've enjoyed, and found relevant to my work and software interests.

I thought, Code Complete 2 would be worth a look.

I can't believe how wrong I was.

After reading something as deep an complex as GEB on the train to and from work everyday, I figured I could read anything.

Again, I can't believe how wrong I was.

I've found it dull, obvious, pointless and most of all overly specific.
Maybe the book just isn't aimed at me. I've had a few years of full on develpopment in a number of OO languages, with pretty comprehensive testing layers.
I haven't been able to get passed the third chapter due to extreme bordem.

I would not recommend this book to experienced developers.


  1. Anonymous26/6/12 02:46

    ...you didn't even read it? "yet another opinionated idiot" indeed.

  2. I've since got through half the book. I don't think it got any better.

  3. Because anonymously making character judgements based on singular statements is the height of intelligence. :)
