Map your caps lock button to control when held down, and esc if pressed.
This is perfect for vim, and still keeps caps lock as control for any other program that isn't esc centric.
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Control = Control_L
$ xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
then run
$ xcape
from sublime to vim
So I've decided to try learning vim one more time.
I did one unit in uni on vi, but the lecturer was so monotone and repetitive that the only thing I learned was.
Press esc to exit command mode, to exit command mode press esc. The command mode can be exited by pressing the esc key.
At my first job a few people used vim, but when I asked why they didn't use a modern IDE, they just shrugged and said, "I'm used to it and it's efficient"
The unique concept in vi that no one ever mentioned (or I just didn't understand) was composable commands, especially when combined with modes:
Whenever I used vi, the normal/insert/command modes felt like a burden, because I was always in insert mode, and ctrl-s is much easier than esc :w
I learned a couple of normal mode things like :wq :q! r x i d dd dd y p / and regex search and replace, but that's a really awkward way to edit text. I thought of them as unrelated and obscure commands, when really they are verbs. I never bothered to learn about the nouns; text-objects and movements, let alone adjectives.
I used eclipse as and IDE, and actually spent time learning the shortcuts, so I was much more effective with that. ctrl to move over words, shift to select, ctrl+alt to move selected blocks etc.
Almost every editor/IDE I've used since have a similar set of actions with the same keys, and most OSs have them built into every text box, (even blogger).
I used emacs for a few years, after a colleague showed me some of the power and extensibility, compared to IntelliJ IDEA. I was writing macros, had my own custom key-bindings that worked properly with my dvorak keyboard, and I was processing text faster than ever.
I then started working on both an iphone app and a .net web app. both of which required the use of xcode and visual studio respectively.
I stopped using emacs every day, as 3 editors/IDEs was too many to be using every day.
After that I started looking into rails again, and everyone was using sublime text 2. So I thought I'd give that a go.
It seemed to have the power of emacs, with the navigation/editing keys of everything else.
ctrl-P and multiple cursors just blew my mind. (which I hadn't seen before)
I've been using sublime 2/3 for a few years now, and was getting annoyed a little things all the time, but nothing bad enough to look for alternatives.
Then I read this:
I finally grokked vim.
If you're always in normal mode, it's easier to diw than it is to ctrl-left ctrl-shift-right del
Being in the normal mode means you don't need all the modifier keys.
Now, it seems weird that I can only enter "normal mode" in other editors by holding down ctrl!
Because it's a language (diw=delete inside word), it ends up being easier to remember than the sequence of ctrl commands.
And if you learn a new modifier y (yank/copy), or a new text-object like p (paragraph), you're extending the knowledge you already have, rather than remember a new combination, or just repeating and existing key.
yip or up, up, up, up, shift+ctrl+up, ctrl+c
yis or ctrl+[left, left], shift+ctrl+ [right, right], ctrl+c
I'm no longer holding down 2,3 (4 on the laptop of end) keys at once to copy a section of text, I just type three letters.
It does help my hand and wrist pain, and it's less keys; sure.
But the more important thing is that I can think about my edits at a higher level of abstraction.
Instead of just characters, lines and pages, I can think about characters, words, WORDS, sentences, blocks, paragraphs, indented sections, tags; All the things that I actually think about when I'm working on code.
delete this html tag = dat
copy the body of a coffeescript function = yii
Just like any programming language, you have methods of combination and methods of abstraction.
Lots of editors have methods of abstraction: plugins and macros,
and simple methods of combination: ctrl+shift+alt with arrow/home/end/pageup/pagedown keys
but nothing compares to vims verb/adjective/noun form of combining search, editing or movement, with all types of things on the screen.
It's got me thinking about what other kinds of nouns I could add with a plugin.
But I really need to learn the basics before I start learning vimscript.
If you're used to an IDE, vim is something that really needs to be set-up before you start,
as the defaults are based on compatibility rather than state of the art.
This is a great way to learn the basic concepts, and set up a basic config
I've really only just started learning vim (properly this time)
so where's some links to resources that I've found helpful at this early stage.
This was awesome fun, but US$25 is a bit much for only 6 months
This is almost as fun, and I'm actually learning a lot very quickly US$5 for just vim is a decent price
Here's a cheat sheet that's actually compact enough to be useful
Here's some ways to help vim feel more IDE like, a softer way to make the transition
Some issues that I haven't noticed yet
I'm liking this color scheme at the moment, twilight:
in file search:
I did one unit in uni on vi, but the lecturer was so monotone and repetitive that the only thing I learned was.
Press esc to exit command mode, to exit command mode press esc. The command mode can be exited by pressing the esc key.
At my first job a few people used vim, but when I asked why they didn't use a modern IDE, they just shrugged and said, "I'm used to it and it's efficient"
The unique concept in vi that no one ever mentioned (or I just didn't understand) was composable commands, especially when combined with modes:
Whenever I used vi, the normal/insert/command modes felt like a burden, because I was always in insert mode, and ctrl-s is much easier than esc :w
I learned a couple of normal mode things like :wq :q! r x i d dd d
I used eclipse as and IDE, and actually spent time learning the shortcuts, so I was much more effective with that. ctrl to move over words, shift to select, ctrl+alt to move selected blocks etc.
Almost every editor/IDE I've used since have a similar set of actions with the same keys, and most OSs have them built into every text box, (even blogger).
I used emacs for a few years, after a colleague showed me some of the power and extensibility, compared to IntelliJ IDEA. I was writing macros, had my own custom key-bindings that worked properly with my dvorak keyboard, and I was processing text faster than ever.
I then started working on both an iphone app and a .net web app. both of which required the use of xcode and visual studio respectively.
I stopped using emacs every day, as 3 editors/IDEs was too many to be using every day.
After that I started looking into rails again, and everyone was using sublime text 2. So I thought I'd give that a go.
It seemed to have the power of emacs, with the navigation/editing keys of everything else.
ctrl-P and multiple cursors just blew my mind. (which I hadn't seen before)
I've been using sublime 2/3 for a few years now, and was getting annoyed a little things all the time, but nothing bad enough to look for alternatives.
Then I read this:
I finally grokked vim.
If you're always in normal mode, it's easier to diw than it is to ctrl-left ctrl-shift-right del
Being in the normal mode means you don't need all the modifier keys.
Now, it seems weird that I can only enter "normal mode" in other editors by holding down ctrl!
Because it's a language (diw=delete inside word), it ends up being easier to remember than the sequence of ctrl commands.
And if you learn a new modifier y (yank/copy), or a new text-object like p (paragraph), you're extending the knowledge you already have, rather than remember a new combination, or just repeating and existing key.
yip or up, up, up, up, shift+ctrl+up, ctrl+c
yis or ctrl+[left, left], shift+ctrl+ [right, right], ctrl+c
I'm no longer holding down 2,3 (4 on the laptop of end) keys at once to copy a section of text, I just type three letters.
It does help my hand and wrist pain, and it's less keys; sure.
But the more important thing is that I can think about my edits at a higher level of abstraction.
Instead of just characters, lines and pages, I can think about characters, words, WORDS, sentences, blocks, paragraphs, indented sections, tags; All the things that I actually think about when I'm working on code.
delete this html tag = dat
copy the body of a coffeescript function = yii
Just like any programming language, you have methods of combination and methods of abstraction.
Lots of editors have methods of abstraction: plugins and macros,
and simple methods of combination: ctrl+shift+alt with arrow/home/end/pageup/pagedown keys
but nothing compares to vims verb/adjective/noun form of combining search, editing or movement, with all types of things on the screen.
It's got me thinking about what other kinds of nouns I could add with a plugin.
But I really need to learn the basics before I start learning vimscript.
If you're used to an IDE, vim is something that really needs to be set-up before you start,
as the defaults are based on compatibility rather than state of the art.
This is a great way to learn the basic concepts, and set up a basic config
I've really only just started learning vim (properly this time)
so where's some links to resources that I've found helpful at this early stage.
This was awesome fun, but US$25 is a bit much for only 6 months
This is almost as fun, and I'm actually learning a lot very quickly US$5 for just vim is a decent price
Here's a cheat sheet that's actually compact enough to be useful
Here's some ways to help vim feel more IDE like, a softer way to make the transition
Some issues that I haven't noticed yet
I'm liking this color scheme at the moment, twilight:
in file search:
new laptop for development
Sony Vaio Pro 13 black
8gb RAM
3.0ghz i7
13.3" 1920x1080
It came with win 8, which I upgraded to 8.1.
It's fun to use, but to get any real work done I need *nix.
I've always preferred debian based distros of linux, and ubuntu's the current favorite.
I don't have any issue with unity, mainly because all I use it for is to press the super key, then type programs names.
ubuntu 13.10
After creating an ubuntu live usb disk, desktop 64bit.
I completely wiped the HD, and let the install setup it's preferred partitions.
It refused to boot, regardless of UEFI settings, and after trying a bunch of things I found the first comment here
essentially it won't boot unless a kernel parameter is set : libata.force=noncq
I had to boot again with the usb stick, edit /etc/default/grub, chroot the target drives, sudo update-grub
arrg, what a pain.
14.04 update:
sudo parted -l
shows sda1 is boot and sda2 is root
in BIOS set : non-secureboot with uefi
boot from the usb drive 14.04 iso
install and run boot-repair
with default options
then run the following commands
make the fan quiet
cat /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/thermal_control
echo silent | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/thermal_control
Time to setup apps:
run software updater
install chrome and login with google account.
install packages:
sudo apt-get install
kde-config-touchpad # setup the trackpad
xclip # with alias clip='xclip -se c'
compizconfig-settings-manager # mostly to set super+left windows snapping
Install using Ubuntu Software Centre:
'Unity Tweak Tool'
'Tweak Tool'
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zoncolor-themes nouvegnome-gray delorean-dark ambiance-crunchy
I like the dark and monochrome themes and icons:
zencolordarknight theme, with noucegnome-gray icon set and zencolor cursor
set caps-lock to be an extra control key:
in tweak-tool, under typing
sublime text 2
grails ggts
install ruby and rails:
install haskell !!!:
sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
sublime text setup;
package control
* sublimeREPL
* fileDiffs
make sublimeREPL ruby actually work
* rvm all do gem install pry
edit SublimeREPL.sublime-settings:
"filter_ascii_color_codes": true,
"default_extend_env": {
"PATH": "/usr/local/bin:{HOME}/.rvm/rubies/default/bin/:{PATH}",
"GEM_PATH": "{HOME}/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247"
make bluetooth actually work:
sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth $USER
8gb RAM
3.0ghz i7
13.3" 1920x1080
It came with win 8, which I upgraded to 8.1.
It's fun to use, but to get any real work done I need *nix.
I've always preferred debian based distros of linux, and ubuntu's the current favorite.
I don't have any issue with unity, mainly because all I use it for is to press the super key, then type programs names.
ubuntu 13.10
After creating an ubuntu live usb disk, desktop 64bit.
I completely wiped the HD, and let the install setup it's preferred partitions.
It refused to boot, regardless of UEFI settings, and after trying a bunch of things I found the first comment here
essentially it won't boot unless a kernel parameter is set : libata.force=noncq
I had to boot again with the usb stick, edit /etc/default/grub, chroot the target drives, sudo update-grub
arrg, what a pain.
14.04 update:
sudo parted -l
shows sda1 is boot and sda2 is root
in BIOS set : non-secureboot with uefi
boot from the usb drive 14.04 iso
install and run boot-repair
with default options
then run the following commands
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
from /mnt/EFI sudo mkdir -p Microsoft/Boot sudo cp ubuntu/* Microsoft/Boot/* sudo cp Microsoft/Boot/shimx64.efi Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi cd ~ sudo umount /mntsudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
sudo gedit /mnt/etc/default/grubGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash libata.force=noncq"
make the fan quiet
cat /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/thermal_control
echo silent | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/thermal_control
Time to setup apps:
run software updater
install chrome and login with google account.
install packages:
sudo apt-get install
kde-config-touchpad # setup the trackpad
xclip # with alias clip='xclip -se c'
compizconfig-settings-manager # mostly to set super+left windows snapping
Install using Ubuntu Software Centre:
'Unity Tweak Tool'
'Tweak Tool'
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zoncolor-themes nouvegnome-gray delorean-dark ambiance-crunchy
I like the dark and monochrome themes and icons:
zencolordarknight theme, with noucegnome-gray icon set and zencolor cursor
set caps-lock to be an extra control key:
in tweak-tool, under typing
sublime text 2
grails ggts
install ruby and rails:
install haskell !!!:
sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
sublime text setup;
package control
* sublimeREPL
* fileDiffs
make sublimeREPL ruby actually work
* rvm all do gem install pry
edit SublimeREPL.sublime-settings:
"filter_ascii_color_codes": true,
"default_extend_env": {
"PATH": "/usr/local/bin:{HOME}/.rvm/rubies/default/bin/:{PATH}",
"GEM_PATH": "{HOME}/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247"
make bluetooth actually work:
sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth $USER
coming terms
In Rich Hickey's talk The Database as a Value he introduces some specific definitions the following terms, as they'll be used during the rest of his talk.
I think understanding data through these definitions will become more and more important.
Rails app
notes from 2014
Rails app
Rails 4.0
Coffee script
Backbone front end mv*
Json rest api
Rails 4.0
Coffee script
Backbone front end mv*
Json rest api
Cucumber ui tests
Jasmine coffee tests
Rspec unit tests
Jasmine coffee tests
Rspec unit tests
User admin devise and cancan
User admin devise and cancan
sublime text 2 editor
notes from 2013
sublime text 2
I recently started using sublime text as my main editor.
It seems to be the main goto editor for ruby devs, so it's worth a shot.
I've used emacs previously, and I've heard that sublime text is extensible but still friendly to use.
ctrl-p is a damn powerful search tool!
sublime text 2
I recently started using sublime text as my main editor.
It seems to be the main goto editor for ruby devs, so it's worth a shot.
I've used emacs previously, and I've heard that sublime text is extensible but still friendly to use.
ctrl-p is a damn powerful search tool!
rails again
notes from 2013
I've started learning ruby and rails again.
I did a couple of small projects a few years ago, and I've spent the last 6 months or so doing groovy/grails; which has copied a lot from ruby and rails.
ruby 1.9
rails 3.2
extras needed:
I've started learning ruby and rails again.
I did a couple of small projects a few years ago, and I've spent the last 6 months or so doing groovy/grails; which has copied a lot from ruby and rails.
ruby 1.9
rails 3.2
extras needed:
grails for the first time
notes from 2012
timer event scheduler
An interesting data modelling refactoring that I was unaware of :
"You learned that a M:M relationship is actually just two 1:M relationships with a third class that you haven’t identified yet."
- from
ORM is actually Hibernate underneath.
There was some weirdness around enabling keyboard shortcuts in STS
"... install the templates early in the development process and customize them before you generate a bunch of code."
authentication plugins
groovy's functional list features
filter == findAll, map == collect, fold == inject
timer event scheduler
An interesting data modelling refactoring that I was unaware of :
"You learned that a M:M relationship is actually just two 1:M relationships with a third class that you haven’t identified yet."
- from
ORM is actually Hibernate underneath.
There was some weirdness around enabling keyboard shortcuts in STS
"... install the templates early in the development process and customize them before you generate a bunch of code."
authentication plugins
groovy's functional list features
filter == findAll, map == collect, fold == inject
first time git
notes from 2012
private git repo
first couple of basic commands
private git repo
first couple of basic commands
eclipse to intelliJ
notes from 2012
new project that I'm working on has an existing java project in intelliJ.
eclipse keyboard shortcuts:
The initial look of intelliJ is pretty damn ugly to me.
A big part of that, is the font they use.
I prefer the Consolas font, which you can setup thusly:
I tried out the inconsolata font as well, but it looked pretty dodgy in smaller sizes with clear type on.
I ended up finding a version that does look a lot better:
Still, Consolas looks a lot better to me on windows 7.
useful plugins:
infinitest plugin.
new project that I'm working on has an existing java project in intelliJ.
eclipse keyboard shortcuts:
The initial look of intelliJ is pretty damn ugly to me.
A big part of that, is the font they use.
I prefer the Consolas font, which you can setup thusly:
- turn antialiasing on
- editor font Consolas 12
- File>Settings>Appearance>Look and Feel - JGoodies Windows L&F
I tried out the inconsolata font as well, but it looked pretty dodgy in smaller sizes with clear type on.
I ended up finding a version that does look a lot better:
Still, Consolas looks a lot better to me on windows 7.
useful plugins:
infinitest plugin.
from dot net to mac
notes from 2012
starting ios development at work
requires a mac
=> xcode
=> appleid
=> credit card?
manual install
from the objective-C tutorial
"... dynamic typing is sometimes called weak typing and static typing is called strong typing."
this is incorrect and misleading.
a positive thing, method calls on nil just return nil.
calling a method on an object is more lisp-like than other OO languages.
"Use subtle animation to communicate"
"NS" prefix for everything from NextStep - why no namespaces?
[myRectangle setOriginX: 30.0 y: 50.0]; // This is a good example of
// multiple parameters
method name and first param are conflated
OSX version, xcode version, sdk version, iOS version, iphone/ipad version, all very tightly coupled. There's very little backwards compatibility. The idea that "it just works" is laughable.
starting ios development at work
requires a mac
=> xcode
=> appleid
=> credit card?
manual install
from the objective-C tutorial
"... dynamic typing is sometimes called weak typing and static typing is called strong typing."
this is incorrect and misleading.
a positive thing, method calls on nil just return nil.
calling a method on an object is more lisp-like than other OO languages.
"Use subtle animation to communicate"
"NS" prefix for everything from NextStep - why no namespaces?
[myRectangle setOriginX: 30.0 y: 50.0]; // This is a good example of
// multiple parameters
method name and first param are conflated
OSX version, xcode version, sdk version, iOS version, iphone/ipad version, all very tightly coupled. There's very little backwards compatibility. The idea that "it just works" is laughable.
from java to dot net
notes from 2012
starting dot net development for work
learning C# and .Net
C# language specification
Visual Studio 10
keyboard shortucts
Hudson integration
wcf rest service
auto generating tostring hashcode equals
The real hero -
full review
closest thing in java (eclipse)
gives simple performance characteristics of every line of code.
possible eclipse equivalents:
starting dot net development for work
learning C# and .Net
C# language specification
Visual Studio 10
keyboard shortucts
Hudson integration
wcf rest service
auto generating tostring hashcode equals
The real hero -
full review
closest thing in java (eclipse)
gives simple performance characteristics of every line of code.
possible eclipse equivalents:
Scala Presentation notes
These are notes for a talk I gave at work on scala (in about 2012!)
Scala - SCAlable LAnguage
scalable in terms of building libraries, expanding the language as well as runtime scalability
Scala is a static/strongly typed JVM language, that is a hybrid object oriented / functional language.
Could be a direct replacement for Java.
Java works and there are a LOT of Java programmers, so why change?
Just ask Paul Graham : beating the averages (although he is talking about LISP)
Haskell, Lisp, Clojure,
Twitter - using ruby front and backend. ruby didn't scale to massive number of transactions. reimplement backend queueing system in scala.
Intro for Java Developers
why scala
Akka actors
See Real world Comparison
Object oriented
See Singleton
See Trait
See Pattern Matching
Control Structures
It's an implementation agnostic way to apply a function to each item in the list.
It doesn't use _any_ mutable state at all.
See JavaLoops
See Loops
See ForDemo
See Actors
Logger example
each type of message must be a case class.
Exit message type used to tell actor to finish
async messages are processed asynchronously, but message ordering is preserved.
object singleton ensures only a single message queue.
async processing means that logging a message doesn't cause main program execution to block
Scala is a static/strongly typed JVM language, that is a hybrid object oriented / functional language.
Could be a direct replacement for Java.
Java works and there are a LOT of Java programmers, so why change?
Just ask Paul Graham : beating the averages (although he is talking about LISP)
What's wrong with Java?
- a LOT of boiler plate code, many lines of code not adding any real information
- difficult to do multi-threaded apps. Pessemistic locking for the complex case, but it doesn't scale very well. JEE helps cover the simple case, but it's too heavyweight for many applications.
- a LOT of Java frameworks/libraries are hard to work with, due to backwards com lots of xml config instead of code or coding by convention
- no closures or first class functions
- not pure OO - primitives, operators, basics arrays, statics work completely separate from objects
- It's not evolving fast enough - matter of opinion
- no multiple inheritence
- no built in aspect facility
- no tuples or multiple return values, can't do pass by value either
- null checks - anything could be null
- cloning objects difficult
- only external Domin Specific Languages practical (eg ant)
Dynamic Languages answer
Ruby/JRuby, Python/JPython, Groovy, JavaScript
Ruby/JRuby, Python/JPython, Groovy, JavaScript
- dynamic typing reduces boiler plate
- often pure OO
- tuples or multiple returns
- often have first class functions
- better meta programming to increase expressiveness
- often a limited form of multiple inheritence
- evolve reasonably quickly
- internal and external DomainSpecificLanguages
Problems of their own
- slow performance
- dynamic typing makes larger projects more difficult
- some unit testing required just to replace basic static type checking (in addition to actual unit tests)
- generally don't scale up well
Haskell, Lisp, Clojure,
- very concise syntax due to high level components
- immutable data makes threading easier
- easier to reason about program, as side effects are reduced
- extensive meta programming
- function composition belies the need for multiple inheritence
- tuples
- bottom up programming the normal - ie internal DSL the norm
- very low mindshare - hard to find developers
- perceived difficult to learn
- minimal libraries (except Clojure which runs on the JVM)
- can be overly restrictive (eg no mutable data or no side effects)
Scala's answer to both
- same or similar performance to java
- strong and static typing
- concise syntax, looks like dynamic language
- Threads, Actors, Software Transactional Memory
- 3rd part libraries can be written to feel like language support (eg Actors)
- functional programming available
- internal/external DSLs normal
- Option instead of null
- still evolving
Choice is a recurring theme
- optional type annotations
- OO and functional
- threads/actors/stm
- mutable/immutable
- referential transperancy / side effects
- it's NOT called Java - even though much of it actually is Java
- static typing (debatable) - type inference helps
- Complex language - even though the source code can be simpler than java
- not true functional language, ie mutable data just as easy as immutable - only haskell people say this
- language still evolving - faster than Java but slower than C#
- Clojure - LISP syntax is a barrier for a lot of developers
Sucess Stories
Intro for Java Developers
- hybrid pure OO and functional language
- strong statically typed - (stronger than java)
- It IS Java underneath - Runs on the JVM
- It's basically Java on the surface too - start with Java and make a few tweaks, make things more general
- Imagine what Java would be like now, if it added new features and allowed breaking backwards compatibility like C#.NET does.
- Eclipse Netbeans and another popular IDE plugins available - not as good as java, but better than most non-java languages
- can work with Java code directly with zero ceremony
- Java can talk to scala directly, but the class names will be weird although deterministic
- local type inference - minimal type annotations, Not as strong as haskell, though
- Java based syntax - easier to learn than other functional languages, feels like a dynamic java
- concise syntax - less lines of code, less code to write/read/maintain
- operator overloading - really just method overloading, but some methods look like operators
- fast runtime - comparable to java
- possible to extend the language with libraries that feel like native support
- Actors - erlang style concurrency, multiple implementations to choose from
- Lift - rails-like web framework
- singletons - via object keyword, no statics
- traits - interfaces, cross-cutting concerns/aspects, module composition, multiple inheritence
- duck typing - dynamic method calling that's type safe using structural typing
- consistant and simplified equals / == handling - including the null case
- XML literals and Xpath like queries
- regex literals
- case classes - automatically correct java beans
- immutable and mutable collections available
- .Net version - under development
- no checked exceptions - debatable
- extensive options for private access - either public (by default) or private (specify a scope)
- covariance/contravariance made more explicit
Akka actors
running scala
- REPL - Read Eval Print Loop - lisp, python - even an online version
- script - perl, python, shell script
- compile/execute - java
See hello world example
See Real world Comparison
- val immutable value - same as final
- var mutable variable - same as normal variable
- types taken directly from java - primitives are mapped to a real object type
- a lot of type annotations are optional, because of local type inference
- no operators, only methods on objects
- semi-colon optional, only used to separate statements on a single line
- optional method invocation syntax, for single argument methods "obj.meth(args)" or "obj meth args"
- reverse order for type annotation - allows type to be optional
- methods/functions and values/fields are not as distinct. both are assigned, both can be assigned from a block or single statement
Object oriented
- pure oo language - ie everything is an object or a method on an object - no primitives, no statics, no operators
- class - same as java class
- class instance - same as java object
- object - like a java class with only static members, but it's also a singleton object
- trait - like a java interface, but with implementation
- traits allow multiple inheritence - a solution to the diamond problem, using a right-first depth-first search
- traits allow aspect oriented functions - stackable traits
- case class - a special kind of class, that will autogenerate Java Bean methods, and can be used in pattern matching
See Singleton
See Trait
- first class functions
- function literals
- higher order functions
- currying
- immutable values
- immutable collection types
- lazy and strict evaluation
- pattern matching
- foreach
- for comprehensions
- map
- filter
- fold
- reduce
- almost everything is an expression. eg try catch block yields a value
- monads
- some Tail Call Optimisation
See Pattern Matching
Control Structures
- if else - returns a value like ternary ? :
- for - more than for loop, returns value
- match - pattern matching, more than switch
- while, do while - only used for side effects, not encouraged
- try catch finally - uses pattern matching to catch, returns a value
- recursion - some TCO available
- no break or continue - while loops discouraged, better ways to achieve the same goals
It's an implementation agnostic way to apply a function to each item in the list.
It doesn't use _any_ mutable state at all.
See Loops
See ForDemo
- Xml parsing using all java parsing libraries
- xml literals
- xpath like queries
- pattern matching on xml values
- Taken from Erlang
- object as thread - or virtual thread
- method call as async message,
- method result as async message response
- messages are immutable data
- messages received via actor's mailbox
- no shared mutable state - no locking - no race conditions - no dead locks
- problems need to be re-structured / re-stated to use actors
- 1,000s Threads vs 1,000,000s of Actors
- asynchronous one way . two way can be emulated, but is actually just two separate async one ways
- synchronous - waits for message response
- futures - async two way. returns immediately from sending message (like async), but the response is a future object. When you attempt to use the future, it will then wait for the actual response.
See Actors
Logger example
each type of message must be a case class.
Exit message type used to tell actor to finish
async messages are processed asynchronously, but message ordering is preserved.
object singleton ensures only a single message queue.
async processing means that logging a message doesn't cause main program execution to block
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